Having a plan in case the unexpected occurs is very important. If you experience a critical illness, a one-time tax free lump sum cash payment is payable to you after living for 30 days from date of diagnoses and can help you:
- Cover medical expenses not covered by government or workplace plans
- Afford alternative treatments
- Pay bills & lifestyle expenses
- Concentrate on recovery instead of worrying about finances
- Avoid dipping into retirement savings, setting your retirement plans back
- Allow spouse to take time off to help you through the illness
- Bucket list items when faced with a shortened life-span
Covered Illnesses
Basic Plan - Heart attack, Cancer Stroke
Enhanced Plan - Heart Attack, Cancer, Stroke, acquired brain injury
- Aortic surgery
- Aplastic anaemia
- Bacterial meningitis
- Benign brain tumour
- Blindness
- Coma
- Coronary artery bypass surgery
- Deafness
- Dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease
- Heart valve replacement
- Kidney failure
- Loss of limbs
- Loss of speech
- Major organ failure on waiting list
- Major organ transplant
- Motor neuron disease
- Multiple sclerosis
- Occupational HIV infection
- Paralysis
- Parkinson's disease and specified atypical parkinsonian disorders
- Severe burns
Loss of independent existence - can be added to enhanced plan for an extra cost.
- 10 year term, to age 65, to age 75 to age 100
- Return of premium riders available